Why some believers could not receive the baptism of the Spirit

Many believers seek to be baptized with the Spirit but do not receive because they seek power for selfish and fleshly gains not God’s glory. They misunderstand the role of the Holy Spirit and the grand purpose of the New Covenant. Their ultimate goal is to be blessed by the material things of this world, and to fulfill their fleshly dreams and desires. In figure 6.2A, we see the mentality of the Old Covenant: The pursuit of blessings, being self-seeking, and earthly, belongs with the mindset of the people under the Old Covenant. However, in figure 6.2B, the mentality of the New Covenant is no longer set on earthly blessings but the pursuit of God’s attributes and glory. He is willing to forsake the earthly things to help accomplish God’s salvation plan on earth.

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The sure reward for gaining the glory of God is eternal wealth. Jesus made a difference between temporal treasures and eternal riches. In Luke 21:13-20, Jesus told a parable of a rich man who was set on acquiring earthly treasures but not the glory of God. One day, God said to the rich man, “You fool! This very night your soul is required of you; and now who will own what you have prepared? So is the man who stores up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God.” When a man dies, he cannot bring along his earthly treasures. However, he would gain eternal blessings and glory by being rich towards God. Unless believers turn their sights towards eternal glory and blessings, they will not receive the baptism of the Spirit.

Some believers ask if they would receive earthly blessings under the New Covenant. The Bible says that God will give to His children all things on the earth and in the heavens. Both earthly blessings and eternal glory are given as inheritance to believers by grace upon justification. Ephesians 1:3 says,

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ. (Ephesians 1:3)

Spiritual blessing refers to the believer’s inheritance (earthly and heavenly) which are received by faith through the ministry of the Spirit. We must understand that justification is the believer’s starting point. Here, the believer is like a young child placed under custody until a time when he is ready to exercise authority over his inheritance. As the believer matures in the glory of God, the inheritance of earthly blessings and heavenly blessings will be given to him. So, let us persevere in seeking the glory of God as our ultimate goal.

It is wise to exchange the temporal riches on earth                 

For the eternal glory of Christ in heaven

In figure 6.3, we see that a child though an heir, does not yet possess the key to his inheritance.

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But the key will be given to him when he matures through sanctification and gains the glory of Christ. Paul taught that justification is the starting point, an entrance to something much greater, which is the glory of Christ. Hence, justification is the door, the goal is the glory of Christ, and the journey is sanctification. Paul wrote in 2 Thessalonians 2:13-14,

Through sanctification by the Spirit,… that you may gain the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. (2 Thessalonians 2:13-14)

Eternal blessing is the inheritance and reward for one in pursuit of the glory of God. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is given to the believer who desires to be sanctified towards that glory. The glory of God as seen in Jesus is represented by His sacrificial love for humanity and His absolute obedience to the Father. Through the pangs of sanctification, the believer is tested for his obedience and his love for God. If he remains faithful to God, the glory of God will be his. But, if he does not progress in sanctification, his inheritance will continue to remain under custody until he matures. In justification, the believer gains the royal status of child of God. In sanctification, the believer gains the glory of the Son and access to his inheritance.

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